The Warwick and Warwick sale of December 1st 2011 contained a fine section of popular Ogden Guinea Gold and Ogden Tabs sets and part sets, all identified and the majority in good condition. Many scarce cards were on offer and the realisations considerably exceeded estimates. The following results were achieved:
- Guinea Gold 1899 Actresses Base J set, in good cond. cat. £114, estimated £40, realisation £80;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Actresses Base K set (less 7), in good cond., cat. £638, estimated £200, realised £483;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Actresses Base L set (less 2), in good cond., cat. £470, estimated £150, realised £333;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Continental Actresses Base B 299/322 in good cond., cat. £822, estimated £250, realised £529;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Cricketers Base M (set 1) 43/50, in good cond., cat. £860, estimated £280, realised £391;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Cricketers Base M (set 2) 10/27, in good cond., cat. £300, estimated £100, realised £195;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Cyclists Base M set, in good cond., cat. £310, estimated £100, realised £241;

- Guinea Gold 1899 Footballers Base M 113/176, in good cond., cat. £2,260, estimated £750, realised £1,610;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Pantomime & Theatre Artistes Base D set, in good cond., cat. £175, estimated £60, realised £80;
- Guinea Gold 1899 Pantomime & Theatre Artistes Base M set (less 1), in good cond., apart from 1 with a crease, at £294, estimated £90, realised £230;
- Guinea Gold 1900 Actresses Base D set (less 1), in good cond., cat. £467.50, estimated £100, realised £86;
- Guinea Gold 1900 Actresses & Miscellaneous Base M, 440 cards in an album, in good cond., cat. £484, estimated £150, realised £207;
- Guinea Gold 1901 Cricketers Base I set, in good cond., cat. £143, estimated £50, realised £109;
- Guinea Gold 1901 General Interest Numbered 1-1148 set (less 12), including 14 of the scarce cards, in good cond., apart from the odd card with trivial fault, cat. approx. £2000, estimated £400, realised £719;

- Guinea Gold 1901 Golf Base I set (less 2), in good cond., apart from 1 with minor wear to edges, cat. £360, estimated £120, realised ££414;
- Guinea Gold 1902 New Series 1 set, B set & C set, in good cond., cat. £1,370, estimated £320, realised £471;
- Guinea Gold. 1902 New Series C (1-200), in good cond., cat. £220, estimated £70, realised £80;
- Tabs Type 1900 Actresses & Foreign Views set (less 11), in good cond., apart from the odd card with trivial fault, cat. £415, estimated £100, realised £86;

- Tabs Type 1902 F Series (1-420) set (less 1), in good cond., apart from the odd card with trivial fault, cat. £650, estimated £100, realised £575;
- Tabs Type 1902 General Interest (Item 97-2, Cricket) set, in good cond., apart form the odd minor fault, cat. £145, estimated £50, realised £57;
- Tabs Type 1902 General Interest (Item 97-2, Football) set, in good cond., apart from the odd trivial fault, cat. £125, estimated £50, realised £115;

- Tabs Type 1902 General Interest (Item 97-2 Golf) set, in good cond., apart from the odd trivial fault, cat. £300, estimated £90, realised £356;
- Tabs Type 1901 Our Leading Cricketers set, in good cond., apart from 1 with some damage, cat. £168, estimated £50, realised £53.
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