10th November 2023
Scarce Allen & Ginter The World’s Champions (1st) cigarette card set is offered in our 15th November 2023 auction
10th November 2023
Coming up in our Toys, Postcards and Cigarette Cards auction is Lot 77- Allen & Ginter. Complete set in plastic sleeves with The Worlds Champions (1st) generally fair to good. Cat. £3,500. (R)
This is one of Allen & Ginters most popular sets with its stunning artwork on the front and the individuals listed on the back under the genre they are in, surely appealing to many prospective buyers.
The baseball cards in this lot and the boxing cards are very popular and sought after by American buyers. One of our viewers adds, “There are 8-10 cards in this lot that will be very popular, especially among the American buyers, but fortunately for me, at the time of the auction they’ll be in bed!”. Another viewer explains “Annie Oakley is an America hero, so that card is going to be very sought after”. Annie Oakley was an American Sharpshooter who starred with Buffalo Bill, which she joined in 1885.
One of our viewers was adamant that “The estimate is going to be blown out the water”, which we all hope to see.
Book bids, commission bids and telephone bids can be made for this lot, please ring our Warwick office to get your bids in or bid through Easy Live auctions.
Also, viewing is still available so if you wish to view this fantastic lot in person, ring our Warwick office to book a slot.
The full 15th November 2023 auction catalogue is available to view on Easy Live Auctions and our website, which also has details on how to place commission bids and how to bid live. Our social media accounts also include updates of all our latest auction news.
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