15th December 2014
ACE Trains, as we know them today, began trading in 1996 and specialise in O gauge model railway locomotives, coaches and wagons. Production was initially based in Taiwan, later switching to Bangkok and again transferring in 2009 to China. The designs however remain firmly British in origin.
The ACE Trains section in our forthcoming sale consists of 17 lots and includes locomotives, coaches and wagons, either individually lotted or as ranges. All have been graded as excellent plus to mint, are sold in excellent plus to mint boxes and come with original instructions.
Lot 476 is this rare example of an A3 Class locomotive and tender 4-6-2 LNER 2571 ‘Sunstar’ No. E/6. It is sold with a letter on headed paper from ACE Trains stating this this particular model is a ‘one off’.
Lot 478 is this attractive A3 Class 4-6-2 BR 60046 ‘Diamond Jubilee’ Express No. E/6 locomotive and tender.
The Freelance 4-4-0 ‘Celebration’ Class model is represented by this LNER 2006 green locomotive and tender No. E/3 and is Lot 474.
There are 7 coach sets offered in this section an example of which is Lot 484 a GWR Collet and Hawkesworth Stock, Brown and Cream Set B No. C/12 which includes 3 coaches being 7381 Brake Composite, 831 Corridor Third and 1297 Open third (Collett).
To view our full 21st January 2015 Model Railway catalogue click here, or keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts which will include updates of our latest auction news.
Are you thinking of selling your model railway collection? Please feel free to contact me for advice either by calling 01926 499 031 or emailing me at jill.smith@warwickandwarwick.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
Jill Smith