1st June 2015
Our monthly world stamp auctions always contain a very good mix of better single items and sets, as well as collections and accumulations from a wide variety of countries.
We always find that cover and card lots are very popular with our clients, and our June 3rd auction contains a particularly fine range of such lots spread across the sale.
Many of these lots have come from the estate of a dedicated collector who studied the postmarks and frankings from a variety of countries for decades. He was particularly interested in the Pacific Islands, and the auction includes the finest range of Norfolk Island covers we have ever seen.
Extract from Lot 308.
He also had a particular affection for mint plate and imprint blocks of the Commonwealth and there are a number of fine ranges of these featured in the sale.
Extract from Lot 291: Montserrat 1932 set in bottom marg imprint blocks of 4, UM.
Extract from Lot 287: 1904-08 5/- on registered envelope to Germany.
We have already received many enquiries about these lots. If you are at all interested in viewing them, we would suggest you try to visit our offices on the viewing days before the sale, as we anticipate the viewing session on the morning of the auction will be very busy!
Ian Hunter.