4th December 2017
The last opportunity to acquire part of the fabulous Brian Girling collection will be in the Warwick and Warwick auction which takes place in Warwick, on January 24th. The collection and trading stock of the late Brian Girling must be one of the best postcard collections ever formed in this country in recent years. Brian was a well-known and respected dealer with a fine knowledge of postcards, especially those of London and the Home Counties and this important sale includes a large section of such cards, with London divided geographically. There are individual collections of many boroughs with four figure valuations of Edgware, Harrow, Marylebone, Fulham, Kensington, Chelsea, Twickenham and Wimbledon. A collection of London omnibuses is offered intact with an estimate of £2,600. 32 different Rotary London Life are estimated at £550.
Elsewhere in the sale, subjects include art deco, Tom Browne, Mucha, glamour collections, polar exploration, a naval collection estimated at £1,000, and a strong sports and Olympics section including a collection of rugby estimated at £850.