29th April 2015
1962 NPY 3d with “Queen omitted”
It is true to say that the security printers given the task of printing millions of stamps each year generally do a very good job. However as the phrase goes “to err is Human” and from time to time spectacular errors do come to light.
A client of Sotheby’s, living in Asia, specialised in collecting such errors and recently approached us for a valuation with a view to sale. His collection is now being suitably lotted and will appear in our sale on May 6th (the 175th Anniversary of our beloved “Penny Black”) with many scarce and in some cases almost unique items of note.
This Sale will also, by good fortune, have errors from a second vendor that are also quite remarkable, so if you too have a passion for the imperfect, look no further.
Here are a small selection to whet the appetite...
Imperforate Stamps
Colour Shifts
Missing colours
Missing Queen's Head
By Joseph Cottriall.