14th June 2019
Postal History often attracts a lot of interest in our auctions, so a large collection of Military Mail, offered in 9 lots, was always likely to sell well. The lots including Prisoner of War, Censor, Fieldpost & mysteriously ‘Undercover Mail’ achieved up to 5 times the catalogue estimates.
Great Britain
In the GB section of the auction an 1840 1d Mulready lettersheet with black Maltese Cross No.7 cancel sold for £750. The numbered cancels were probably introduced to keep a check on the staff working at the Inland Mail office and are much more unusual than most other cancels.
A 1902 souvenir coronation postcard, carried by balloon and with a romantic message to ‘Ethel’ achieved £384. This was a rare example of items carried on the first UK airmail flight.
An 1867-83 £1 anchor watermark sold for £2340 and a 1913 £1 Seahorse with SPECIMEN overprint sold for £810.
British Commonwealth
In the Commonwealth section a ‘remarkable specialised’ collection of Australian issues overprinted for use in New Guinea sold for £1,500. A collection of Rhodesia ‘Double Heads’ sold for £1,500 and a Gibraltar 1925-32 £5 sold for £840.
India modern issues have seen increasing interest in recent years, so a King George VI to Queen Elizabeth collection including the sought after Ghandi set may turn out to be an astute purchase at £470.
In the foreign section a China Peoples Republic collection including the 1980 Golden Monkey 8f sold for £990.
A collection of French Madagascar from overprints & surcharges onward sold for £1,320.
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The full catalogue for this sale will be on our website in the next few weeks or keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages which will include updates of our latest auction news.