15th May 2020
Warwick & Warwick May 2020 Stamp Auction Report
The May stamp auction was again held behind ‘closed doors’ to comply with Government advice on social distancing, you can read the latest covid update here. Despite the restrictions the auction was very successful with total realisation of over £345,000.
British Commonwealth
In the Commonwealth section of the auction some rare Rhodesia items achieved excellent prices. A 1898-1908 British South Africa Co. £5 in strip of 3 sold for £1,020 and a spectacular 1905 Victoria Falls 5/- in a block of 15 achieved £1,050, this being the largest known multiple of this issue (ex Howie). A 1910-13 ½d bluish-green imperforate block of 4 failed to find a buyer. This block (ex Appollonia) is very rare, the catalogue price for an imperf pair is £15,000.
The Foreign section of the auction saw Asian stamps take pride of place. A vast accumulation of China 1950’s to 60’s issues, mostly unused or cto full sheets far surpassed the estimate of £1000 to reach an incredible £11,100 once bidding was exhausted. Again from China a 1980 Golden Monkey 8f made £870.
An extensive Japanese collection in 35 volumes quickly ran up to £5,520 from the estimate of £650 and the next lot, a collection of miniature sheets including a 1934 Air sheet, reached £1,200.
A substantial USA collection including many classics realised £8,100.
Great Britain
In the GB part of the auction an 1840 1d black from the much rarer plate 8 made £990, an 1867-83 10s on blued paper sold for £1,080 & a collection including a King Edward VII £1 sold for £1,920.
A 1929 Postal Union Congress £1 block of 4 sold for £1,320.
Our next stamp auction will be held on the 3rd of June 2020. Look out for the full catalogue for this sale, which will appear on our website in the next few weeks. Also keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages which will include updates of our latest auction news.
Are you thinking of selling your entire stamp collection or part of it? Would you like us to value your coins and give you advice on how best to market them? Visit our stamps department page for more information or contact a member of the stamp team.
Please see our website for updates regarding our COVID-19 business practices.