1st April 2019
In the Warwick and Warwick auction, held on 20 March, collections of foreign topographical remained popular with China, Japan, Singapore and Cyprus lots all achieving figures well above estimate.
Specifically, lots 164 and 165 of China estimated at £270 and £230 achieved £900 and £960 respectively (including buyer’s premium) while lot 166 of Cyprus, which included many scarce early cards, estimated at £700 achieved £1,740.
GB topographicals also continued to be strong with the well represented Yorkshire section of five lots all selling above estimate. Lot 157 with strength in the North Riding estimated at £700 proved particularly popular finally selling for £1,740.
A good audience for subject cards was also found with lot 188, a superb collection of artist-drawn cards, including 22 by Raphael Kirchner, estimated at £1,200 realising £2,400 and lot 203, a 324 strong comic collection, featuring 32 by Tom Browne, estimated at £300 realising £900.
A collection of 19 Art Deco cards by Mela Koehler achieved £312
This single card depicting 1913 women’s suffrage procession in Eastbourne was estimated at £60 realised £312.