15th December 2022
Our 14th December 2022 Coins, Medals, Militaria and Banknotes Auction had some fantastic lots and some exciting bids with customers bidding live via Easy Live and with commission and telephone bids.
Lot 182
The banknotes saw some lively bidding with a popular Scotland section with lot 180 estimated at £1,150, selling for £1980. Lot 181 estimated at £1,150 sold for £2,100 and lot 182 sold for £2,220, with an original estimate of £1,000.
Following on from the banknotes we saw an incredible ancient coin area, which enticed a lot of bidding wars. Lot 190, an ancient Greece and Egypt lot was estimated at £280 and sold for a whopping £1,380. Lot 191 estimated at £420 sold for £1,860 and lot 192, an ancient Roman collection sold for £2,280, with an original estimate of £600.
Lot 235
The hammered range caught the eye of the customers with lot 235 estimated at £150, selling for £516. Lot 241 sold for £4,560, with an original estimate of £1,500 and lot 259 estimated at £1,500 sold for a fantastic £3,960.
Lot 259
Our next coin auction will be held in the New Year on Wednesday 15th February 2023. Look out for the full catalogue for this sale, which will appear on our website in the next few weeks. Also keep an eye on our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages which will include updates of our latest auction news.
Are you thinking of selling your entire coin collection or part of it? Would you like us to value your coins and give you advice on how best to market them? Visit our coins and banknotes department page for more information or call us on 01926 499 031 and speak to a valuer.
Jessica Lowe